
Fly-For-Free Fake Pilot Arrested

25th September, 2012

Italian police have arrested a 32-year-old man who used a fake identity to try to get to fly in the cockpit of a plane at Turin airport. The unemployed Italian was apprehended at the check-in counter while trying to board an Air Dolomiti flight as the third pilot. The airline is part of Germany's national carrier Lufthansa. Police have yet to name the man, but he was operating under the assumed name of Andrea Sirlo. He was wearing a pilot's uniform and was carrying forged identity cards that claimed he was a qualified aviator. Police searched his bag and found more pilot uniforms as well as fake resumes, airline badges and an airport staff parking permit. He has been charged with a breach of airport security and impersonation.
Investigators have discovered that "Mr Sirlo" has successfully pulled off his scam at least once before. Police said: "On at least one occasion in 2012, he posed as a pilot of a foreign commercial airline, and with a fake name succeeded in flying as the third pilot in the cockpit." A search of, a website that tracks flight details, also shows that a pilot named Andrea Sirlo flew from Munich airport to Turin on 23 October, 2011. Sirlo said he was inspired by the 2002 Leonardo DiCaprio movie "Catch Me If You Can". In the film, DiCaprio plays a real-life con artist who flew over one million miles on over 250 flights in the 1960s. "I saw that film and I wanted to be like [that guy]," Sirlo reportedly told police.

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Pakistan Anti-Islam Video Protests – 19 Dead

22nd September, 2012

People across Pakistan took to the streets on Friday to demonstrate their anger at the anti-Islam video that was made in the USA. Although the government declared a national holiday, "Love for the Prophet Day," and encouraged peaceful protests, 19 were killed in raging street battles between protestors and police. In Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, up to 5,000 demonstrators gathered to vent their fury at the video and America. Many tried to storm the U.S. embassy but were fought back by police and the military firing tear gas and live rounds. Student Jawad Ahmed expressed his outrage, saying: "They should allow us to demolish the American embassy because they have blasphemed against our holy Prophet.

U.S. president Barack Obama took the unusual step of buying air-time on seven Pakistani television stations to run a specially made message that aims to dissociate America from the video. In the $70,000 campaign, subtitled in Urdu, Hilary Clinton states: "The United States has absolutely nothing to do with this video. We absolutely reject its contents. America's commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation." Meanwhile, in France, security has been tightened after a magazine published drawings featuring the Prophet naked. Mohammed Moussaoui, leader of the French Muslim Council, said the video and the cartoons were "acts of aggression" against Islam. 

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Hospital Cleaner Fired for Speaking Polish

7th September, 2012. A Polish hospital cleaner in Norway has been fired for speaking Polish during her lunch break. Johanna Renclawowicz, 34, received her marching orders from the Sykehuset Telemark hospital. Her dismissal letter said: "You have been given information that only Norwegian shall be spoken during working time. Your colleagues and patients have repeatedly complained that Polish is spoken in the eating area, cleaning department and corridors, etc."

The hospital claimed they continually warned Ms Renclawowicz against using Polish at work. In August, they sent her a letter that was titled, "The use of language in the workplace". In it, she was told that speaking Polish created a "bad working environment".

Ms Renclawowicz moved to Norway four years ago to find a better life. She now has a three-year-old daughter and a mortgage on her house. She started work at the hospital in August 2011 as a temporary worker. Four other Poles at the hospital warned her that the hospital had banned Polish. She said: "It was strange that we were expected to speak Norwegian to each other on our breaks, even when we're not that fluent….

Every time the boss heard one of us speaking Polish, she said, 'Speak Norwegian'. She mainly complained if it happened during lunch breaks." There were even, "We speak Norwegian at work" posters put up in the hospital. She will now sue the hospital for discrimination and unfair dismissal.

"Online activities, the mp3 and printable handouts are available for this lesson at"

First Man on Moon Dies Aged 82

Neil Armstrong, the first man to step foot on the Moon, has passed away at the age of 82. The legendary U.S. astronaut died from complications following heart surgery he had earlier this month.

He made history on July 20, 1969 as commander of the Apollo 11 Moon-landing mission. As he stepped onto the Moon's surface, he famously spoke the words: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." He was 38 at the time of his historic walk and instantly became one of the most famous people on the planet.

However, he spent the rest of his life trying to avoid the spotlight and downplay his achievement. He later said he never understood why people focused so much on what he did.

Armstrong was born in 1930 and grew up fascinated with flying after taking a plane at the age of 6. He began making model planes and collecting books and magazines on aviation. As a teenager, he got his pilot's license before his driving license.

In 1949, he became a Navy pilot, and flew combat missions in the Korean War. In 1958, he joined the organisation that became NASA and became a test pilot. Years after his Moon landing, Armstrong was asked how he felt about knowing his footprints would stay on the Moon's surface for thousands of years. He said: "I kind of hope that somebody goes up there one of these days and cleans them up." When asked about the Moon, he said: "It's an interesting place to be. I recommend it."

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Spain Mayor Steals Food For The Poor 

17th August, 2012. A mayor in a small Spanish town has become a hero after helping steal food from supermarkets to give to the poor. The modern-day Robin Hood is Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo, 59, the elected leader of the southern town of Marinaleda in Andalusia. 

Mayor Gordillo has immunity from prosecution under Andalusian law and so can break the law without being arrested. He has so far orchestrated several raids on supermarkets to hand out the stolen food to poor families. Unfortunately, those helping him are not immune from prosecution and seven have been arrested for theft. Gordillo has been mayor for 30 years and his recent exploits have seen his popularity skyrocket, with crowds gathering to see his food grabs.

Many Spaniards are facing severe economic conditions. A quarter of Spain's workforce is jobless and austerity measures mean many now live in poverty. Things are even worse in Andalusia where unemployment is over 30 per cent. Mr Gordillo defended his role in stealing food for the less well-off. He said: "There are people who don't have enough to eat.

In the 21st century, this is an absolute disgrace." Spain's conservative government has criticised Gordillo, accusing him of taking part in publicity stunts to boost his own popularity. The mayor retaliated by saying he would happily accept being arrested. He is currently leading a three-week anti-austerity protest march to Spain's capital Madrid.

"Online activities, the mp3 and printable handouts are available for this lesson at" 

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