Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pakistan Anti-Islam Video Protests – 19 Dead

22nd September, 2012

People across Pakistan took to the streets on Friday to demonstrate their anger at the anti-Islam video that was made in the USA. Although the government declared a national holiday, "Love for the Prophet Day," and encouraged peaceful protests, 19 were killed in raging street battles between protestors and police. In Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, up to 5,000 demonstrators gathered to vent their fury at the video and America. Many tried to storm the U.S. embassy but were fought back by police and the military firing tear gas and live rounds. Student Jawad Ahmed expressed his outrage, saying: "They should allow us to demolish the American embassy because they have blasphemed against our holy Prophet.

U.S. president Barack Obama took the unusual step of buying air-time on seven Pakistani television stations to run a specially made message that aims to dissociate America from the video. In the $70,000 campaign, subtitled in Urdu, Hilary Clinton states: "The United States has absolutely nothing to do with this video. We absolutely reject its contents. America's commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation." Meanwhile, in France, security has been tightened after a magazine published drawings featuring the Prophet naked. Mohammed Moussaoui, leader of the French Muslim Council, said the video and the cartoons were "acts of aggression" against Islam. 

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