Friday, September 7, 2012

Spain Mayor Steals Food For The Poor


17th August, 2012. A mayor in a small Spanish town has become a hero after helping steal food from supermarkets to give to the poor. The modern-day Robin Hood is Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo, 59, the elected leader of the southern town of Marinaleda in Andalusia. 

Mayor Gordillo has immunity from prosecution under Andalusian law and so can break the law without being arrested. He has so far orchestrated several raids on supermarkets to hand out the stolen food to poor families. Unfortunately, those helping him are not immune from prosecution and seven have been arrested for theft. Gordillo has been mayor for 30 years and his recent exploits have seen his popularity skyrocket, with crowds gathering to see his food grabs.

Many Spaniards are facing severe economic conditions. A quarter of Spain's workforce is jobless and austerity measures mean many now live in poverty. Things are even worse in Andalusia where unemployment is over 30 per cent. Mr Gordillo defended his role in stealing food for the less well-off. He said: "There are people who don't have enough to eat.

In the 21st century, this is an absolute disgrace." Spain's conservative government has criticised Gordillo, accusing him of taking part in publicity stunts to boost his own popularity. The mayor retaliated by saying he would happily accept being arrested. He is currently leading a three-week anti-austerity protest march to Spain's capital Madrid.

"Online activities, the mp3 and printable handouts are available for this lesson at" 


Problems with third conditionals?

Imaginary situations in the past.

You can describe what you would have done differently or how something could have happened differently if circumstances had been different. 
e.g. She would have traveled around the world if she had had more money. (But she didn't have much money, so she never traveled.)

e.g. I would have read more as a child if I hadn't had a TV. (Unfortunately, I did have a TV, so I never read for entertainment.)

Special Forms: 

would have + can = could have
would have + shall = should have
would have + may = might have

The words "can," "shall" and "may" must be used in these special forms; they cannot be used with "would have."

e.g. If I had gone to Egypt, I could have learned Arabic. CORRECT

e.g. If I had had more time, I could have exercised after work. CORRECT

1 If I had gone to England, I ______ missed Rachel's visit.


would have

2 If I'd gone to University, I ______ liked to have studied Economics.


would have

3 I ______ gone to the cocktail party if I hadn't had too much work on.


would have

4 I ______ recognized you if somebody hadn't told me who you were.


wouldn't have

5 I would have bought a Mercedes if I ______ been able to afford it.


would have

6 I ______ sent you a postcard if I hadn't lost your address.


would have

7 I wouldn't have told you if I ______ known that you would get upset.


would have

8 I'd have come in earlier if I ______ known how much urgent work there was.


would have

9 I ______ forgotten all about it if you hadn't reminded me.

would have might

might have

10 If you had asked me, I ______ helped you.

could have

would have could

11 If I'd left the house on time, I ______ missed the train.


wouldn't have

12 I'd have preferred it if you ______ kept that to yourself.


would have

13 If you ______ listened to what I said, none of this would have happened.


would have

14 I ______ taken the job if I'd known about the bad working atmosphere.


wouldn't have

15 If you ______ been out when I called, I would have told you yesterday.


wouldn't have

16 You ______ gone to see your sister, if you had known she was ill.

would have should

should have

17 I wouldn't have bought this if I ______ known it only has a 3 month guarantee.


would have

18 If I'd taken that job, I don't think I ______ been very happy.


would have

19 If I ______ worked harder when I was at school, I could have had a better job.


would have

20 If you ______ told me sooner, I'd have kept you a ticket.


would have

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